What to look for while choosing a university?

“A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.” A brilliant thought quoted by an American writer Shelby Foote. Indeed, a university is nothing but a structure covered by four walls, and miracles happen at every corner, be it a classroom, laboratory, library, auditorium, or play area. Now, you can imagine how […]

What employers look for in MBA Marketing Graduates?

Doing business without marketing is like closing your eyes in the dark. Nobody else except you know it. A good marketer addresses the whole customer base or audience as one entity. MBA Marketing is about learning the skills to pick the right audience and promote your brand. As a marketing manager, you need to build […]

6 Reasons why higher education needs to be highlighted

Flipping the pages of history can quote ample examples where higher education was a boon to many individuals. In the present era, where countless discoveries coupled with multiple innovations happen, higher education benefits society as a whole. More people with doctorate degrees and diploma certifications can contribute more to the growth and development of a […]

Success mantra for a bright career in Agriculture

In a broad spectrum, if we say that the agriculture sector has been tremendously growing at global and national levels, the statement cannot be considered as hyped. The aspirants heading towards this domain to make a bright and successful career must be well-groomed academically and pay sincere attention to know-how and do-how concepts in agriculture. […]

Life lessons with higher education

higher education

‘My future is brighter than before. I know life is hard, but higher education makes things possible. Indeed, an intellectual quote once stated by a South African marketing graduate. Life is unpredictable and shouldn’t be wasted on things that hardly matter to you. Unlike worldly possessions, investing some time in learning and skill enhancement that […]

Impact of good infrastructure and amenities in Higher Education

“A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.” A brilliant thought quoted by an American writer Shelby Foote. Indeed, a university is nothing but a structure covered by four walls, and miracles happen at every corner, be it a classroom, laboratory, library, auditorium, or play area. Now, you can imagine how […]

How to proceed for researching universities before applying?

Researching colleges or universities before admission is much needed today when every process inside the higher institution is transparent and straightforward. Once students practice this research framework, it becomes simple and takes less time for them. Also, it can be interesting to visit the colleges’ websites and learn about their campus life, infrastructure, courses, placements, […]

Benefits of pursuing higher education from NAAC A+ accredited university

Education is one thing no one can take away from you, but choosing the right college would explicitly take your sleep away. Now, students get baffled and stuck in the word web of their parents and relatives. Not all of them are aware of the significance of NAAC A+ Accreditation and how it benefits the […]

Admiring the role of a faculty in higher education

‘If you can read this blog, thank a teacher.’ Alas, teaching in higher education is a thankless job despite the faculty’s dedication and commitment throughout the time. The role and responsibilities of a teacher are least appreciated; rather, they sometimes become a subject of mockery at colleges and universities. Undermining the significance of a teacher […]

8 facts that change your take on law as a career

Being a law professional is a massive undertaking of challenges, commitment, time, and financial investment. Law as a career cannot entice you unless you get motivational vibes about it and know what’s actually good in it. Is it fun to practice law? Well, it depends upon the level of interest that one takes in this […]