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What employers look for in MBA Marketing Graduates?

Doing business without marketing is like closing your eyes in the dark. Nobody else except you know it. A good marketer addresses the whole customer base or audience as one entity. MBA Marketing is about learning the skills to pick the right audience and promote your brand. As a marketing manager, you need to build your market presence and support the company to make sure about consumer behavior and requirements. Discover what employers expect from a good MBA Marketing Graduate through this blog.

How do MBA Marketing students grab the attention of employers?

MBA marketing students should know everything from marketing, consumer trends, sales, market strategies, market research in multiple industries, and product management. While pursuing the courses, students undergo multiple basic and advanced skills that are quite essential in the marketing domain. Stated below are some unique and vibrant qualities that you need to develop as an MBA Marketing Graduate –

Strategic approach

This is indeed an important trait that every MBA Marketing student needs to develop. Thinking strategically and reasonably simultaneously clarifies your company’s business in a broader spectrum. Planning and designing any project needs a practical approach toward work. Approaching the consumers and promoting your brand are completely based on logical thinking. Marketers also need to be updated with the current trends to make effective strategies for marketing. Strategic thinking makes MBA marketing students well-versed in their problem-solving skills, which are useful in the long run.

Effective communication skills

Good communication skills are quite important to work as a leader in the team. MBA Graduates must have the smartness and agility to convey their thoughts effectively to clients. Besides this, you must develop a sound professional relationship with your colleagues and superiors in the office, and this is possible only when you have the trait to interact with others. Your way of interaction does matter, as the whole story of marketing depends upon a marketer’s attitude and verbal abilities.

Entrepreneurship skills

This trait usually comes into the picture when you are in your own business, but employers want MBA Marketing Graduates to take ownership while working in their organizations. This skill expects an individual to be capable enough to manage and organize a business in all conditions. They must be able to handle the risks and bring in the solutions. As an entrepreneur, one must choose what is best for the company and invest accordingly. One mistake would take away all your confidence, and you might lose the trust of your employer.

Leadership traits

Leadership plays a valuable role in the field of marketing. As a leader, you can set organizational goals and encourage your team to achieve the same. Besides this, a leader takes the onus of maximizing the productivity and efficiency of any business. Team motivation is something that is expected from a good leader. They must possess that exceptional quality of encouraging the team to work effectively and enhance productivity.

Strength of working in a team

We must have heard, “United we stand, divided we fall .” Working in a team can fix many problems and handle many setbacks within the business. Teamwork is indeed an essential parameter to attain success. A single person cannot do marketing strategies, thorough market analysis, examining current trends, and product management. It requires marketing managers to work as a team and focus on strengthening the overall brand image.

Time management ability

If, as a marketing manager, you complete all projects on time, your organization’s brand image can stay strong. Here comes the time management skill that helps individuals finish tasks in a shorter time. This could directly impact the marketers’ minds who have to deal with some time-restricted stressful tasks.

Employers usually pick MBA marketing Graduates from a well-accredited university or college. For instance, recruiters that participate in campus placements of MBA Marketing students at GLA University come with exponentially high expectations. The university has a separate training cell that teaches students all the above-quoted marketing skills and makes them industry ready. GLA conducts workshops, seminars, marketing campaigns, and other activities for practical exposure of MBA Marketing students.

Perfect marketing skills open doors to various career opportunities in multiple marketing domains. Though graduates must have job-oriented marketing skills, which may vary from place to place, the attributes needed to excel in marketing are the same across the broad career spectrum. Recruiters usually look for these skills mentioned above among MBA Marketing Graduates.


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