Is an M. Tech degree worth pursuing for engineering graduates?

Is an M. Tech degree worth pursuing for engineering graduates

Engineering graduates possess a keen quality to do things at the drop of a hat. This could be beneficial at times; however, when choosing future career options, it can’t be considered a good practice.  Almost half of the engineering graduates have a gut feeling that M. Tech is nothing but a waste of time and […]

Which B Tech specialization is the best for career growth?

Which B Tech specialization is the best for career growth

If engineering is your passion and the rest is secondary, the best career path would explicitly be waiting for you. Over the past few decades, engineering has become a new wrinkle in the town, and aspirants are after this stream for multiple reasons, namely, best salary packages, exposure, interest, international offers and so on. Indeed, […]

What next after Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering?

What next after Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Can you imagine a life without TV or mobile phones? It seems next to impossible as every place on this planet is holding the part of electronics and communication. Electronic goods that we see and use every day belong to Electronics and Communication (EC) Engineering, which is indulged in the process of their designing, manufacturing […]

Things to note down while opting for the best B. Tech Specialization


Are you baffled about nurturing your career in the engineering stream? No need to get pissed off as every student goes through the same confusion after passing grade 12. The heat of picking up the right career path is a challenging job, but a practical approach may lead you to the best platform. The engineering […]

Major challenges faced by civil engineers in getting the best jobs

Major challenges faced by civil engineers in getting the best jobs

At present, civil engineering is a highly esteemed area of specialization for engineers. Believe it or not, about 1.5 million engineering graduates apply for jobs in India every year. However, it has been estimated that there will be a demand for approximately 4 million civil engineers over the next 10 years in India. This shows […]

Benefits of pursuing diploma over degree courses

Benefits of pursuing diploma over degree courses

Before delving deeper into the benefits of a diploma over a degree, first, students need to focus on the actual difference between the two. Diploma courses render vocational education that is more inclined to career growth and life goals. However, degree courses are time taking and knowledge-based. Now, it’s crystal clear that aspirants who give […]

10 Must Possess Skills for a Civil Engineer to Get Good Placement

10 Must Possess Skills for a Civil Engineer to Get Good Placement Do you carry a thought process that civil engineering is something that doesn’t need many polished skills? If so, you are backing the wrong horse, as this branch of engineering is a rewarding career choice. The introduction of advanced technology and a modernized […]

Top 6 Offbeat Career Options in Biotechnology other than Drug Development

Generally, when people give thought to Biotechnology, the picture of a scientist wearing a typical laboratory coat strikes their mind. Most people still feel that a biotechnologist either develops a lifesaving drug or a medical device for certain medical procedure applications. In effect, the picture of a scientist working in a lab represents only a single […]

Exploring Bright and Futuristic Career Paths in Cybersecurity

Digital technology has become mainstream in almost all walks of life, be it business transactions or operations across industries and sectors. Today, digital transactions have become highly critical to any business in any domain. These transactions are 24×7 under the radar of unprincipled and greedy hackers and criminals who always try to exploit loopholes to […]

Top 4 Job Options after B.Tech in Electrical Engineering

B. Tech Electrical Engineering is one of the most popular branches of engineering in which students thoroughly study all the aspects of electricity and electronics, from the basics to the advanced ones. This premium branch of engineering came into the limelight after the invention of electric power, the telegraph, electric bulbs, the telephone, and many […]