Admission Inquiry

Research Projects

Cost Optimized Waste Bin Management System

Alerts the college/city management when the dust bin is filled & sends a location SMS to nearest municipality

  • Learn about popular development board NodeMCU, ultrasonic sensor.
  • Learn when to send an alert SMS  & intelligently route the municipality management maintain cleanliness, hygiene in the localities in turn the entire city.
  • Test the sensor & actuator circuits, WiFi development board individually.
  • Implement the designed hardware circuit & power up the circuit.
  • Ensure that all the components involved are powered up with desired voltage  levels.
  • Design a hardware circuit using the provided sensors & automatically send an alert SMS to municipality management.
  • Test the hardware circuit in various application use cases & make it functional robust.
  • Design a box that can be mounted under the bin & place components with proper wire lengths. Yay!! the project is functionally ready to show case.