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Choosing law as a career Is it wise in the current context

Choosing law as a career? Is it wise in the current context?

Life gives you ample opportunities to showcase your talent, but not all of them can be achieved with ease. It takes a lot of pain and effort to get what you dream of. Uniformly, making law as a career seems quite troublesome, but once you get your foot into it, there is nothing interesting and appealing like it. This blog deals with the best career choices that would give a new outlook on your thought process.

Law as a career is under both good and bad light

Choosing the right career is indeed a stressful task, especially if you have so much to consider. Law is one such profession in India that gets appreciation and disapproval at the same time. Being a bridge between the normal public and the judiciary can serve you mental satisfaction, but financial growth could sometimes be compromised.

Many people carry the notion that lawyers compromise their self-respect for money and are ready to collect fake evidence to win the case. On the other side, some are quite positive about this profession and consider law as one of the reputable and rewarding career options.

 You must have heard some of your friends or relatives cribbing incessantly about law as a career, quoting it would never yield good income and the struggle stays for a lifetime. So, people would have their own outlook, but this won’t imply the fact that law is a bad career choice.

A law graduate can be fitted into various types of roles

By law profession, if your mind recollects some of the best roles of lawyers in the movies where the one in the main lead has to definitely win the case and that too in a pretty thrilling style, revamp your thought process and add a little pragmatic approach in it. In real life, a law graduate has ample career roles to pursue. Let’s get familiar with all of them in detail –

Criminal Lawyer

This professional role seems quite fascinating, but actually, lawyers have to go through rigorous hard work and patience to achieve this. They need to have strong interpersonal skills and the potential to investigate the case with deep research, good interaction skills and capabilities to handle legal analysis. Their major role appears in front of the judge, where they have to put forth the points strongly on behalf of the client with solid shreds of evidence and witnesses.

Criminal lawyers have to be really sharp and possess attention to detail because of the demand of their job. Clients hire criminal lawyers for their extensive knowledge of the law; also, they know how to navigate a case while protecting their clients. In India, the average salary of a criminal lawyer is estimated at 7 LPA. Experienced lawyers enjoy a salary of about 30 LPA.

Corporate Lawyer

Corporate lawyers are associated with a company or firm and handle all their legal matters and processes and take decent pay. Their work is not simple as every day they have to deal with legal formalities related to business transactions of the company. The submission and reviewing of such documents also choke the bandwidth of corporate lawyers making their task a bit challenging.

The average salary of a corporate lawyer in India is INR 6.9 lakh per year. As a beginner, you can expect to earn INR 1.47 lakh per annum, including the base salary and the offered bonuses. The upper limit for this profession is quite high, and your pay can go up to INR 20 lakh per annum. This field is among the best career options in the legal sector in terms of growth opportunities and income potential.

Legal Journalist

If you are pretty good at writing and wish to make a career in legal journalism, there is nothing enticing like the job role of a legal journalist. He is the person responsible for writing blogs and articles on social media and in newspapers. This platform needs strong communication and writing skills and a good understanding of current affairs and law.

A legal journalist has an average salary of 3.7 LPA in India. Senior professionals can get up to 10 LPA.

Civil Lawyer

Civil lawyers deal with non-criminal cases, but their responsibilities are similar to that of criminal lawyers. These lawyers handle cases pertaining to divorce law, excise law, taxation law, etc. They do proper research and make relevant strategies to gain success in cases. The demand for property and divorce lawyers will always be in vogue. On average, a civil lawyer can earn up to 10 LPA.

Legal Advisor

Legal Advisor is the most eminent position as the professionals have to be active on many fronts like prevention of litigation, legal issues, handling regulatory issues etc. The major function of a legal advisor is to get in touch with the other party and be involved in the negotiation process to settle disputes.

Experienced professionals can earn as high as 40 LPA in India. To enjoy a good professional life, students need to make an effort and attain a degree from a well-reputed college or university. Consider GLA University, which has a variety of law courses and ample resources. The aspirants can explore the same on its portal. The faculty is quite competent here as the professors are learned and carry doctorate degree from brilliant law colleges in India. The practical approach of the management is appreciable as it allows the bright students to broaden their learning scope by entering into courtroom drama workshops and visits to companies to understand the legal nature of their businesses.


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