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Does BBA Really Live up to the Hype

Does BBA Really Live up to the Hype?

Have you ever jumped into a conversation where BBA is being hyped a lot by some management experts? Though hype is a little sarcastic word to quote the significance of any course, yet there are multiple questions about BBA that rule the mind of the aspirants. One of them is Does BBA really live up to the hype? Firstly, let’s begin the topic with a positive note any program or course that you pursue with good intentions and the right aim would pave your ways for a successful career. Let’s find the most appropriate answers to the question in this blog.

Is it justified to say that BBA gives a starting kick to the management career?

BBA indeed is a course that provides an initial spark to management aspirants. Let’s understand the reasons that bear the accountability for this fact –

BBA clears the basic concepts of management

The course curriculum for BBA is focussed on both theories as well as the practical part of management. The syllabus is as per the current industry standards and the latest market trends. Students get clarity on multiple basic points related to the management field that won’t be covered in higher degree courses. Moreover, a right from scratch learning and basic study of management would definitely be one of the reasons for students’ success.

Cost-effective course

BBA is indeed a course that can be done at a very less cost as compared to other undergraduate courses in medicine or engineering. If you consider a good college like GLA University, Mathura, the BBA course not only provides a reasonable fee structure but also offers scholarships to bright students. This is why the return on investment is quite high in BBA.

Good career growth

BBA is a degree that can bag ample job opportunities in this growing world of competition. Companies need graduates who are well-versed in managerial knowledge and can be fitted in multiple managerial roles within the business. There are many employers out there that hardly care about MBA degrees as for them BBA graduates are a raw talent that can be moulded as per the requirements of the business. The idea behind this thought process is to provide employment to the most deserving students on the grounds of their skills and knowledge rather than just a degree.

Creates a good base for higher education

BBA is basically called a stepping stone for an MBA or other higher degree programs. Students have a choice to go ahead and pursue a wide range of degree courses after BBA but MBA is indeed the best choice if they wish to make a career in management. BBA students know their weak and strong points right from the start and thus choose the specialization accordingly. For instance, GLA University has a team of the best management faculty to guide the students and clear all their concepts. This helps them to get a good base for further career growth or higher studies.

BBA provides good exposure

BBA is a course that is not restricted to classroom training only. It renders students with various opportunities to develop multiple skills like communication, interpersonal, managerial, decision making etc. The course structure allows the students to get exposed to various domains in marketing, sales and operation. They are trained to be industry smart through case studies, seminars, workshops, internships and company visits. BBA students are professionally active and have a good personalities. They are agile enough to make the best networking and contacts in various online platforms and get ample job offers from good companies.

Is BBA overrated?

Multiple times it has been observed that people have a different mindset for BBA. Some feel that it is nothing but a waste of time as if there is an option to pursue MBA after any graduate degree. Others have a thought process that if you have decided initially to make your career in management, why not BBA and then MBA?

Now, the answers could be many but they simply depend on the reasons why BBA fit your career context. For instance, the learning abilities and style of every individual is different. Some say that there is nothing special in BBA that you can’t grasp in MBA and others have a notion that it is better to start learning management subjects right from scratch so that they need not have to struggle with basic concepts and fundamentals in MBA program.

In our country, people normally find it difficult to differentiate between BBA and MBA degrees. Also, MBA is the major degree that most employers demand, nobody cares about an undergraduate degree. So, BBA is not something that people can flaunt in their portfolio.

Concluding the statement that BBA is overrated won’t be justified as there is pretty much than a waste of time to learn about various important aspects of management during the course.


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