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Why should one go ahead with a B.Sc Agriculture course

Why should one go ahead with a B.Sc Agriculture course?

One simple reason to choose B.Sc Agriculture could be the increasing job offers in agro-based industries, but this won’t work for aspirants who wish to join the engineering or management field. So, the foremost important parameter is the level of interest that students need to develop before opting for any stream after the 12th standard. This blog states some brilliant reasons to opt for B.Sc in Agriculture for those who have little inclination towards making their career in the agriculture field.

Benefits of pursuing B.Sc Agriculture

Have you ever realized why a son of a farmer is a farmer in most cases? Has he or she not been allowed to explore their skills in some other field? Actually, they are well aware of the ground realities of agriculture in India. This changes their mindset right from the start, and they develop a sincere interest towards this profession. Most of them opt for higher studies to perform research in this field and make it more advanced and technology-rich. Let’s go through some of the benefits of pursuing a B.Sc Agriculture from a career perspective –

Ample job opportunities

A plethora of Government, as well as Private job opportunities, are there for B.Sc Agriculture Graduates. Coming to the Government sector jobs, there are officer-grade posts in State Agriculture Departments and Government Banks.

Those who are interested in Private Sector jobs can explore multiple roles of Officers and Managers at Plantations, Agriculture Machinery Industries, Fertilizer Manufacturing firms, Food processing units, Agricultural Products Marketing firms etc. The expected average salary slab could lie somewhere between INR 2 to 4.5 Lakh per year.

Some well-reputable job profiles for B.Sc Agriculture Graduates could be –

  • Research Officer
  • Agriculture Officer
  • Quality Assurance Officer
  • Agriculture Loan Officer (in Banks)
  • Operations Manager
  • Production Manager
  • Farm Manager

Higher studies

Students can opt for further courses like MSc Agriculture and build their careers in the teaching line. Some of them can also pick a PhD to land in the research and development field. Note that higher studies can brush up your skills and potential to engross more in this field and find the best career opportunities as a professor or researcher.


Agriculture is a field where one can choose to be an independent player after gaining some professional experience. No other industry is as alluring as the agriculture sector to land on entrepreneurship. If you desire to set up your own business and give employment to others, you can explore an ample number of opportunities, like opting for Government schemes that are quite helpful in establishing a start-up or understanding the ups and downs of the agriculture market and putting your best foot forward in this segment.

Students take on doing B.Sc Agriculture

No matter how much effort our Government puts every year to enhance the value of the agriculture sector in the country, there are many students who are still not convinced by the fact that this field gives job security. They believe that agriculture can never reap good perks and salaries, and job postings would also be in rural areas. However, the trend has changed now. The government has introduced many schemes and projects in this sector to increase employment and productivity.

There are another lot of students who carry a notion that agriculture is not at all an esteemed career to pick. How can one forget that India is an agricultural country, and being able to contribute to this sector and raise helping hands to the work of farmers is a pride in itself? The young aspirants need to understand the real concept of agriculture in the present scenario and how much effective it is to build a career in this field.

What could be an eye-opener for students to join the agriculture sector?

In 2021 and 2022, the agriculture sector of India is leading the chart in terms of employment, as about 152 million people got job postings in different areas. These stats show that even after the pandemic, the agriculture sector is the only one that has witnessed high growth.

Last year’s budget allocation to the agriculture sector was Rs 132.5 lakh crore. This year it is expected to be on the higher side, and again agriculture will be the lead player in employment.

These stats can open the eyes of the aspirants who have a hitch to proceed to pursue graduation in the Agriculture field. Instead of taking untoward opinions, it’s better to use your own acumen and opt for this degree course.

Many students are afraid of the criticism that they might get from their friends or relatives once they get postings in rural areas. It’s better to reveal to them the real stats and make them understand the bulk availability of jobs in the agriculture sector.

Owing to the above-mentioned reasons, never hesitate to be a part of the agriculture sector in India if you have a little interest in this field.


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