What are the misleading doubts about a B Com degree

What are the misleading doubts about a B. Com degree?

You might have heard some statements from the audience around you – ‘The current job market scenario is highly competitive and volatile for B. Com degree holders’ or merely a B. Com degree is not enough to get alluring career options in life’ or an additional course is required along with B. Com for the students to face competitive challenges of professional life. Now, being a B. Com student, it is pragmatic and logical to cuss your decision of choosing a commerce background. However, the commerce stream is highly in demand and graduates from good colleges are able to find space in big firms and units. Let’s understand the misleading doubts that students carry about a B. Com degree.

Students are a little skeptical about B. Com degree

It is an undeniable fact that the commerce field can reap pretty amazing career opportunities provided you fulfil the minimum job requirement and other necessary formalities. Despite all this, why do some students feel that B. Com degree is not worth it and that they need to add one more feather to their cap after graduation? Let’s discourse about the same in detail –

Immaturity in making career decisions

Most of the students believe that they opt for the commerce stream out of immaturity and urgency to take decisions. They are under pressure from their parents and relatives to make a quick career move and thus choose B. Com as an initial step. That’s why instead of gaining knowledge and taking their commerce degree course sincerely, they waste their most precious time of three years thinking about what to do next after B. Com and when they realize it, the right path would be missed.

There are some intellectuals who understand this whole concept and choose the correct career path right after class 12th. They are the ones who do not indulge in any doubt or misconception about the B. Com degree course as their approach is practical. Instead of opting for B. Com and expecting something from the course that it is not designed for, they carry a clear thought process about their career right from the beginning.

Lack of honesty in opting for an undergraduate course

Students who think that B. Com is useless and can never land them good career opportunities need a reality check of their own self. This shows how half-hearted they are while joining B. Com degree course in any institute. It is actually a wrong approach that can never lead to any good career scope. You first need to assess your own weaknesses and strength and then make a career choice that matches your interest level. Being honest in your career choice is a hard trait to adopt and if you do that, you can conquer the professional world.

Unable to adjust in any job environment

While there is a misconception among students about fewer career opportunities after B. Com, employers also believe that such graduates somewhere lack a practical approach that is much needed in any job. With rising competition in every career platform, fresh graduates have to do something out of the box and creative to sustain themselves in any kind of professional environment. B. Com course structure misses practical learning aspects, due to which the value of this degree course is comparatively less.

Emphasizes more on theoretical learning

The commerce stream contains three-course segments namely B. Com, CA or CS and banking and finance. Students mostly opt for the academic course (B. Com). Employers keep their eyes on the candidates who choose vocational courses as they believe that such professionals carry good practical skills that are preferred in any business. So, if you are planning to take the commerce stream, choose banking, finance and CS as it makes more sense in terms of career growth.

Not landing on a good college

B. Com degree course has a standard curriculum, and all universities in India follow the same. However, employers understand the value of a good college and consider it as one of the major recruitment parameters. B. Com graduates passing out from a reputed educational institute like GLA University have the upper hand on job opportunities. The university has a great campus, brilliant infrastructure, spacious classrooms, labs and library. Students get a stupendous learning environment under the guidance of well-certified faculty. Placement at GLA is another appreciable thing as it has collaboration with various international units. B. Com Graduates who want to study further can opt for the M. Com course from GLA University. So, if you want to back the right horse, it is wise to opt for professional courses like CS, CA, banking and finance rather than a plain B. Com degree. Students with CS, CA and other vocational courses are considered industry-ready, and employers also find interest in such professionals. They definitely have the upper hand over B. Com degree.


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